Sunday, April 4, 2010

100th Post: Happy Easter !

Yes, indeed it took far longer to get here than I had hoped, nevertheless, I've made it. Welcome to the 100th post here at A Walk on the Wiles Side. Oh, but that's not all, it is also the Happy Easter post, as well as marking the one year anniversary of me not smoking, Yeah, exactly 365 days ago, right about this time of day in fact, was the last time I smoked a cigarette. I still miss it nearly every fucking day, if you're interested, but I have done it. At some point I will probably have to smoke one to prove to myself that I really have quit, and yes I do realize the risk of becoming hooked again, but it is something I'll need to do.

I had hoped to do a little synopsis on the future of my sketchblog, but it is Easter, and nearly dinner time with the family, so I think I'll have to let it slide for now, and bring you up to date real soon. Besides, I see it as important enough that it should have its own post. So until then, I wish you and yours a very Happy Easter, and I'll see you soon.
